Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Random thoughts, inquiries and observations

1) It's only 100 days til the Olympics! Why am I not more excited?
2) Remember those Olympic coins they used to have in cereal boxes?
3) I think Gymnastics is my favorite Olympic sport to watch.
4) I wonder if I could ever "STICK" a landing after flipping off a vault.
5) Mexico has a volcano - news to me!
6) I thought Mexico was a land of beaches, taco trucks, and dive bars.
7) Volcanoes in Mexico totally ruined my exotic fantasy land that I've always imagined.
8) How would you feel to be part of Bin Laden's family - I thought my family had issues.
9) I like presenting powerpoint presentations
10) I, however, take it as a personal insult to my intelligence to present somebody else's powerpoint, as if I'm not smart enough to create my own.
11) Flaky people drive me insane.
12) I hope people don't think I'm flaky.
13) Fiduciary is a funny word.
14) I always thought a good line would be "Yeah, that guy puts the douche in fiduciary."
15) I really want to get a bike.
16) I think people with bike racks always look so in shape and put together.
17) Secrets can be hard to keep.
18) I get more excited for other people than I do for myself.
19) I ate way tOO much at lunch.
20) Crying is so unbelievably therapeutic.


  1. you really are coming to know yourself. congrats.

    1) Olympians don't ever cut corners. I wonder what its like to hang out with one. (i have this secret obsession slash fascination with Olympians because I imagine their character to be disarmingly refreshing. i'd like to meet one).
    2)I DO remember those.
    3) I wanted to take gymnastics when i was younger but my mom wouldn't let me. I like watching the uneven bars the best too.
    5-7) Mexico sits in my mind as a place with lots of mustaches, pretty beaches, flags, and lots of hungry babies.
    8) How would you feel to be part of Obama's, or David Axelrod's, or Nancy Pelonasty? Id feel so so greedy and guilty.
    9 & 10) I can imagine you presenting one quite nicely. If you ever land a job with hateful coworkers, i would edit the presentation to include a very witty farewell message to the team. Too bad recommendations are important. I always daydream about being brutally frank with coworkers on my last day.
    11)Flaky people don't have boundaries. They really meant "no" when they actually said "yes", then end up doing what they wanted to in the first place. Being flaky is twice as bad as a polite decline of an invitation. Its like, "I have no integrity, and im going to make that doubly apparent to you."
    12) You've never seemed flaky to me, but i bet we are perceived as flaky to the people we are afraid to say no to. I flaked out on my dad today. I felt awful. But i realized its because I should have just listened to my internal "no" in the first place.
    12.5) Thank you for helping me figure out the anatomy of flakyness.
    13) Fiduciary sounds like something that would be in the feminine isle of drugstore.
    15) I ran across this massive bridge today and saw lots of cyclists. Get one. You can really master White Rock quickly!
    16)Your car would look hot with a rack on it.
    17)I want to know this secret. Im fishing Sarah, so bite. Whats the secret?
    18)Is this secret that someone is engaged and you're more excited for them?
    19) I am craving those hot wings from Primos. And a Marg with you girls.
    20) "Those who do not weep, do not see." - Victor Hugo

  2. #1 i share this same obsession with Matthew Kelly.
