Friday, December 2, 2011


Someone put this on facebook. It really affected me. I have never heard such eloquence with regard to homosexuality and Catholicism. What a strong person. 

Fact: The Catholic Church’s stance on homosexuality is anything but popular.

It’s something we as Catholics shy away from talking about.  Maybe that’s because it makes others uncomfortable, or maybe because often we don’t truly understand it ourselves.  The fact is that I can sit here all day and tell you that my stance against same-sex marriage is not born out of hatred, bigotry, or ignorance, but the majority of people would probably not believe me. When it comes down to it, this issue isn’t going to be solved in political debates.  It’s far too personal.
So rather than getting into a lesson on Catholic moral teaching (though feel free to contact me if you want me to cover that later), or talking about homosexuality in the abstract (creating hypothetical people and hypothetical situations), I thought I’d refer you to an article written by someone who understands the Church’s teaching on homosexuality far better than I do, because as a Catholic who happens to be gay, he is choosing to live it.
[I have never met this man. I found the following post on the blog, Little Catholic Bubble.  Apparently, though, he recently went public with his own blog, as well.]
I have heard a lot about how mean the Church is, and how bigoted, because she opposes gay marriage. How badly she misunderstands gay people, and how hostile she is towards us. My gut reaction to such things is: Are you freaking kidding me? Are we even talking about the same church?
When I go to Confession, I sometimes mention the fact that I’m gay, to give the priest some context. (And to spare him some confusion: Did you say ‘locker room’? What were you doing in the women’s…oh.) I’ve always gotten one of two responses: either compassion, encouragement, and admiration, because the celibate life is difficult and profoundly counter-cultural; or nothing at all, not even a ripple, as if I had confessed eating too much on Thanksgiving.
Of the two responses, my ego prefers the first — who doesn’t like thinking of themselves as some kind of hero? — but the second might make more sense. Being gay doesn’t mean I’m special or extraordinary. It just means that my life is not always easy. (Surprise!) And as my friend J. said when I told him recently about my homosexuality, “I guess if it wasn’t that, it would have been something else.” Meaning that nobody lives without a burden of one kind or another. As Rabbi Abraham Heschel said: “The man who has not suffered, what can he possibly know, anyway?”
Where are all these bigoted Catholics I keep hearing about? When I told my family a year ago, not one of them responded with anything but love and understanding. Nobody acted like I had a disease. Nobody started treating me differently or looking at me funny. The same is true of every one of the Catholic friends that I’ve told. They love me for who I am.
Actually, the only time I get shock or disgust or disbelief, the only time I’ve noticed people treating me differently after I tell them, is when I tell someone who supports the gay lifestyle. Celibacy?? You must be some kind of freak.
Hooray for tolerance of different viewpoints. I’m grateful to gay activists for some things — making people people more aware of the prevalence of homosexuality, making homophobia less socially acceptable — but they also make it more difficult for me to be understood, to be accepted for who I am and what I believe. If I want open-mindedness, acceptance, and understanding, I look to Catholics.
Is it hard to be gay and Catholic? Yes, because like everybody, I sometimes want things that are not good for me. The Church doesn’t let me have those things, not because she’s mean, but because she’s a good mother. If my son or daughter wanted to eat sand I’d tell them: that’s not what eating is for; it won’t nourish you; it will hurt you. Maybe my daughter has some kind of condition that makes her like sand better than food, but I still wouldn’t let her eat it. Actually, if she was young or stubborn enough, I might not be able to reason with her — I might just have to make a rule against eating sand. Even if she thought I was mean.
So the Church doesn’t oppose gay marriage because it’s wrong; she opposes it because it’s impossible, just as impossible as living on sand. The Church believes, and I believe, in a universe that means something, and in a God who made the universe — made men and women, designed sex and marriage from the ground up. In that universe, gay marriage doesn’t make sense. It doesn’t fit with the rest of the picture, and we’re not about to throw out the rest of the picture.
If you don’t believe in these things, if you believe that men and women and sex and marriage are pretty much whatever we say they are, then okay: we don’t have much left to talk about. That’s not the world I live in.
So, yes, it’s hard to be gay and Catholic — it’s hard to be anything and Catholic — because I don’t always get to do what I want. Show me a religion where you always get to do what you want and I’ll show you a pretty shabby, lazy religion. Something not worth living or dying for, or even getting up in the morning for. That might be the kind of world John Lennon wanted, but John Lennon was kind of an idiot.
Would I trade in my Catholicism for a worldview where I get to marry a man? Would I trade in the Eucharist and the Mass and the rest of it? Being a Catholic means believing in a God who literally waits in the chapel for me, hoping I’ll stop by just for ten minutes so he can pour out love and healing on my heart. Which is worth more — all this, or getting to have sex with who I want? I wish everybody, straight or gay, had as beautiful a life as I have.
I know this isn’t a satisfactory answer. I don’t think any words could be. I try to make my life a satisfactory answer, to this question and to others: What are people for? What is love, and what does it look like? How do we get past our own selfishness so we can love God and our neighbors and ourselves?
It’s a work in progress.
(Me again) – I don’t know about you, but I am pretty blown away by that kind of courage.  …Thoughts?


  1. I saw this yesterday too. He really is a strong person. It's still hard for me to wrap my mind around homosexuality. The way it has come to be accepted by society is in a fad type way - very blatant and in your face. It's hard at times to remember that there are people in the world that are homosexual and it is a disease/problem/ disorder - I'm not sure how it is categorized. But to have the courage to accept it and choose not to follow your own desires is one of the most profound examples of self-control I've ever witnessed. The post that I saw on FB yesterday, somebody had commented that free will is such an awesome responsibility. We do have free will to choose what we want, but to recognize it within the proper context is the responsibility. Free will doesn't mean we are given the ability to say yes every time. It means we are given the ability to choose. And with choices there is always more than one option, otherwise there wouldn't be a choice and there wouldn't be free will. Huh... Would it not then follow that you have to have an ultimate end? An end that is true and good? If you didn't have that end you would have no choice, because there would be no distinction between right and wrong. If your actions weren't directed toward something, they would be directed toward nothing. Definitely holes in that rambling flow of logic, but it just dawned on me.

  2. it made sense to me. He is such a profound witness to properly ordered free will (choice). It is like we always talk about- everything in life is a choice. We are blessed to be able to choose, but it is an enormous responsibility at the same time. Free will absolutely dictates that man has an ultimate end. As you said, otherwise there would be no choice. That logic completely negates the idea of 'fate' or 'destiny'. It is so uplifting to realize the ramifications of our own ability/necessity to choose and at the same time such a heavy weight. It is motivating though. As that man said, it gives you something to get out of bed in the morning for. Something worth living for. I mean, sometimes I have trouble feeling inspired as it is- I can't imagine how much more pointless life would be if I didn't have such a reassuring spark to light a fire under my butt!

  3. Wow!

    How rare it is to find someone to desires truth enough to not let their own ego and preferences dictate what they know to be true. brilliant guy.
