Monday, January 9, 2012

From my very wise uncle..

"No one ever promised life would be easy! In fact, if you aggressively pursue life it will become more difficult. Ergo - difficulty should not turn you aside but focus you on your goals. Thats really the only way you make things easier - focus - cut out all the noise so you can hear the song. You sound a bit like a kid in a candy store who like everything you see but can’t make a decision and, consequently, may not get anything.
We plan and are discouraged, confused and frustrated because things don’t move our way. We are so self centered, why should things go as we plan? Sometimes I think God gets a big laugh at our plans. I think your onto something - you need to take a big, deep, breath and relax. When we push hard for our plans we make the conversation with God one sided. We need to make time to make sure our conversation is truly a conversation. And that is what prayer is, you talk and then you listen. Thats how we know Gods plan and cooperate with it. God never fails us, we fail him. He never fails to guide us, we fail to listen."


  1. I love. Calming and encouraging.

  2. there is a reason he went to MIT.. hes actually my great uncle, wish you could meet him. He lives in MA.
