Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Hahaha Mare you made me laugh out loud :) I have not been trying to hold out on you at all, it is just something that kind of came of nowhere and I am still processing/adjusting. I haven't really told anyone.

Soooo I am dating Dustin. Like, I'm his girlfriend.

Even typing that makes me laugh a little bit because it is so foreign a concept. I would have laughed you out of town if you had suggested it even two months ago. In fact-ask Sarah- I actually did. She told me before I knew it. He did too. I honestly think he was a bit peeved that I didn't even realize we had been on dates. He was like we've been on three dates, I know, I planned them. Oblivious...that's me!

I don't really have much to say about it honestly. I'm pretty happy and we are pretty good together but in a strange way. I mean, who'd have thunk it! It is still very very young and I am sorting things out. I realized I am a horrid girlfriend and by that I mean absolutely clueless haha. But he doesn't seem to mind. It is odd to me...to have someone care about you in such total kind of way. I don't really understand why he likes me the way that he does, but he just does. He loves parts of myself I wasn't even aware of.

Life is so interesting. I am on this ride and it is crazy. but so beautiful.

Oh, in other news? I quite my job on Friday. I am INSANE completely INSANE but it feels wonderful. I spent the weekend in Austin with Dustin and his brother/girlfriend. We spent nearly every second of daylight outside. It was soul-stirring and the tranquility was so so so needed. It put alot of things in perspective for me. I am still riffling through it all and sorting things away into little cupboards in my mind, but I feel a change in the air...

And I cannot wait to see where I go!

Love you both and MISS our summer sunday fundays. Don't know why, but that has been on the mind lately.

Monday, January 30, 2012

This weekend I learned...

I have codependent tendencies.
It's harder to think for yourself than I ever thought possible.
I have 2 of the best girlfriends in the WHOLE world.
I really didn't like Adam the way I thought I did - seeing him with an Asian at Church on Sunday morning made me life hysterically.If you really like someone that's not the appropriate response.
God has something really frickin' awesome in store for me - just learning to believe and hope in it.
I have alterior boundaries to make up for the internal boundaries I've failed to develop.
Having strong internal boundaries really does help protect from the anxiety, fear and judgement the world tries to throw at you - it's all a mental game. You just have to outsmart and outplay yourself - show em who's boss!
Meaghan skipping out on perfect patio weather ensures several hours of make up patio weather in the future - it's like interest on a credit card. The more you don't pay up front the more you pay in the long run. Fortunately for you the pay off in this case is AWESOME - patio time with me! And while I'm on the subject, it would seem as though Mare might have maxed out her credit - so to speak. Don't think you're getting out of this quite so easily. You've been gone toooooo long. It is time to come back. You owe me!
Here's to a happy week, ladies! Love you both!