Wednesday, November 16, 2011

How I feel when I RUN!!

The world is a beautiful place full of good people where I can dream big dreams and accomplish them...and that I am strong enough to pick up and find new dreams to dream after that.

Sharp and focused, able to block out any distractions or stress.

Completely at peace.


As if I am doing something extraordinary like flying and breathing under water.

High on exhileration.

That I can control my body and my actions and weakness has no place in me.

Superlatively happy.

Free and unafraid to make decisions about next steps in my life.

The only other time I feel like this is when I play the piano. As close to what heaven must feel like as I can imagine. And then my body gives out and I am reminded of my own human-ness. And I slowly come down from the high...until next time! :)


  1. I had a very similar thought on the plane yesterday. I told the guy next to me (who made sure to tell me that life is too short to not do what you love) how working out is kind of like that for me. He said painting is his 'hobby' that he has never stopped doing since he was 8. I said working out and yoga is mine. We had a good talk about being frank with ourselves and others. I also bought this book called "One Day" at the airport and read a good chunk on my way home and OMG you two both need to read it! I cannot tell you how providential it was that i picked it up. The girl in it has a letter written to her (from this guy Dexter), and he gives her a piece of advice the guy on the plane next to me told me within 15 minutes of boarding... God has such crazy way of speaking to us. You gota read it now to find out what it is...

  2. it has a lot to do with confidence..

    We ladies act pretty confident, and maybe we are to some extent, but not when it comes to asserting what we want. I know at least for myself, i struggle with confidence.

  3. BTW the girl in the book finished college and thinks just like we do, finds herself going from venture to venture, odd jobs, etc...

    but i have a feeling her solutions are going to become my solutions, so i am excited to empathize with her character and get some of my big life dilemmas solved (for a measly $14.94)!

  4. OH!... and right before i purchased the book, i oscillated between this one and a more practical one about God and Happiness. I thought, 'Why on earth cant i just buy the light-hearted whimsical story of a young woman and the love of her life, without analyzing how i need to be more practical'.. And ya know what.. the less practical choice ended up being the right one. Sometimes we need to work with what we are attracted to and trust that there is a good reason for that attraction. Trust thyself :)

  5. I don't know that I have ever felt that way about a physical activity. But I'm getting there. I've felt the beginnings of it in just this past week. Right now running for me is about determination and motivation at this point. And like I learned in my business classes it's about creating short-term wins in order to set the over all change in place.

    Mare you crack me up! A measly $14.94! I agree though... I need to learn to enjoy the simpler whimsical things in life. I think I need to learn that it's ok to let go and live in a dream world for awhile. My only reading obsession lately has been Bloomberg Businessweek - and I love it!

  6. oh my word. bloomberg businessweek. you truly are a nerd above all other nerds. but an informed nerd. lol.

    my life is so high stress and frustration right now that i really really need to let go of it and give my body a break. i honestly dont think that i could sit still and focus long enough to read a book. i can't even watch my netflix...and nothing can usually prevent me from enjoying movies. The only thing I can handle is working out at this point. Oh well, at least I will get in really good shape :)

    We need to plan that vaca. Now.

  7. gosh, yes, vacay stat!!

    One day at a time.. take time to breath. I never forget Meaghan saying, "THIS IS life.." ..the now, this is life, stop waiting for it to start.. live today, love today, ask for nothing. I think the key to happiness is wanting what you have. Of course, complacency is no admirable trait, but a little bit once in a while is good for your blood pressure.

    Agreed on the work out thing. I still feel the endorphins from last night!! (Joey trains me for an hour, followed by his demand of one hour of cardio, 30 mins climbing the rotating stairs, and 30 mins walking on a 12 incline - its an ass beating and i love it).

    Definitely tapering off on the drinking which is helping my clarity a lot.

  8. I want a personal trainer man interest in my life! how awesome! how is that going overall?

    And I def need to cut back on the drinking...
